Jul 18, 2016
Debat Islam siapa paling betul?
(Menurut hadis, Ummat ini akan terpecah kepada 73 golongan,
hanya satu golongan sahaja yang masuk syurga, siapakah mereka? )
Hari raya balik kampung, lepas jam 12 malam, ada kawan ajak
minum borak borak. Aku jika nak borak, aku tak boleh borak ramai ramai, aku lebih
suka borak dengan sorang sahaja, dalam borak tu, aku ada dua niat, iaitu: “apa
aku boleh belajar dari dia” dan jika aku dapati dia tak ada benda nak ajar aku,
maka aku akan borak dengan tajuk: “apa aku boleh ajar dia”
Jadi malam tu, kitaorang borak isu: “Penyokong mazhab dan wahabi berdebat, siapa
paling betul, siapa paling Tuhan sayang, sebab semua dakwa mereka betul, jadi
siapa yang betul?”
Lalu kawan aku berhujah lebih sokong kepada wahabi sebab
niat dia nak hapuskan amalan bidaah, kerana amalan bidaah boleh ke neraka, tapi
kawan aku tu tak ada lah nak kafirkan penyokong mazhab, Cuma tak puas hati
dengan cara ulamak tua ajar agama, dia lebih prefer kepada ulamak muda.
Ok, oleh sebab dia bekerja di hospital, bila tiba giliran
aku pulak berhujah, maka aku buat analogy mudah, kata aku:
Dalam dunia ini, ada ramai orang dakwa boleh rawat pesakit
yang sakit, kita ada doctor hospital guna kaedah allopathy berdasarkan bukti
sains, kita juga ada dr Homeopathy yang guna kaedah berbeza daripada Allopathy,
kita juga ada Ustaz yang dakwa boleh rawat penyakit guna perubatan islam, kita
juga ada bomoh yang guna jampi, seru jin dan syaitan untuk sembuhkan pelbagai
penyakit, kita juga ada pengamal perubatan traditional seperti guna herba cina,
rempah india, dan resepi nenek moyang melayu dalam perubatan.
Masing masing mengaku mereka paling hebat dalam menyembuh
pelbagai penyakit, masing masing mengaku mereka paling handal berubat, dalam
allopathy ada Dr pakar, dalam homeopathy pun ada Dr pakar, dalam perubatan
islam pun ada ustaz pakar, dalam jampi jampi ada bomoh pakar, dalam perubatan tradional
pun ada pakar petua nenek moyang, semua mengaku betul dan pandai rawat pelbagai
jenis penyakit. Tapi korang rasa dalam semua cabang ilmu perubatan ini,
perubatan mana yang korang akan pilih?
Ada orang akan pilih satu perubatan sahaja, contoh mereka
yang anti dengan Allopathy, anggap allopathy adalah senjata sulit yahudi
lemahkan umat islam, terus setia kepada homeopathy dan burukkan alloypathy, ada
orang pulak lebih suka homeopathy sebab kos murah dan tak ada kemia katanya
tapi burukan pilihan perubatan orang lain, ada orang memang cukup pergi jumpa
ustaz, ada orang yang terus jumpa bomoh walaupun demam, dan terus percaya kata
bomoh, bahawa ada orang dengki dan santau dia, ada orang terus rujuk petua nenek
moyang seperti makan ketam bila denggi dan yang best, ada yang ambik semua
kaedah perubatan, ada yang mula merawat dengan ustaz dan berakhir dengan
allopathy di hospital (sakit jantung misalnya) dan ada yang mula dengan
hospital dan berakhir dengan ustaz(penyakit dah confirm mati misalnya)
Paling pelik, ada yang cuba produk baru, (biasanya di jual
secara MLM) lalu sanggup tinggal nasihat doctor pakar dan cukup dengar nasihat
dari penjual penapis air, penjual gelang magnet, penjual tilam kain kaabah,
penjual bantal garam gunung yang mana kos beribu ribu tapi panyakit semakin
parah bila kita nasihat, kita di marah, adohai..
Jadi dalam bab perubatan ini, bagi aku masing masing ada
hujah, masing masing boleh bagi testimony, tapi aku, dengan guna akal dan
fikiran kurniaan Tuhan, aku lebih cenderung kepada allopathy, sebab mereka
gunakan kaedah sains dan bukti secara statistic data (bukan testimony) apatah
lagi, bidang ini sudah banyak di ceburi oleh orang islam yang ikhlas dalam merawat
Lagi satu hujah aku yang penting adalah, hari ini, jika ada
orang yang cedera akibat kemalangan jalan raya, siapa yang akan kutip mereka
untuk di rawat? Tok bomoh? Pakar perubatan tradional? Pusat perubatan islam? Ambulance
Homeotahy? Tak adanya!, selain allopathy yang mana seluruh dunia, akan ada Ambulance
stand by untuk selamatkan orang yang cedera di mana-mana, tak kira hospital kerajaan
atau swasta, mereka mampu kutip pesakit dan rawat sebab kaedah perubatan mereka
maju dan bersistem.
Perubatan lain, setelah beratus ratus tahun wujud di dunia,
tak mampu semaju dan secanggih Allopathy, masing masing tak bersatu dan tak ada
ambulance! Mereka tak bersidang macam geng Allopathy buat. Mereka boleh sembang
boleh rawat semua penyakit, cuba bawa orang baru lepas eksiden pada mereka,
tangan putus, mata tersembul, mampu mereka rawat? Tak mampu sebab mereka tak ada
sistem yang baik.
Jadi aku pilih allopathy sebagai cara ikhtiar merawat
penyakit sebab mereka ada ambulance dan guna logic sains, lagu satu sebab Allah
buat dunia ini darul asbab, dan sudah ramai dr pakar di kalangan orang islam
yang menceburi bidang ini dengan ikhlas. Namun jika melibatkan gangguan jin,
aku tak tolak merawat cara islam, Macam Dr Harun Din, pakar perubatan islam,
tapi bila sakit jantung, pergi berubat di IJN, sebab Dr Harun Din tahu, allopathy
adalah ikhtiar yang paling common sense bila sakit jantung.
Jadi balik kepada debat Penyokong mazhab dan wahabi, atau debat
antara sunni dan syiah, atau pas dan pan, atau umno baru dan umno lama, atau mana nama kefahaman pun, walau masing
masing dakwa merekalah paling faham agama, paling handal agama, paling hebat
berhujah. Kita rujuk kes yang sama macam allopathy tadi:
Iaitu: Aku lebih suka merujuk kepada fahaman agama yang ada ‘ambulance’,
bukan sembang kosong. “ambulance” di sini adalah merujuk kepada fahaman agama
yang sanggup keluar berdakwah dan kutip ummat lalu di ‘rawat’ di masjid. Sebab inilah
cara Nabi dan sahabat buat, pergi dakwah rumah ke rumah, pintu ke pintu, dan
ajak manusia kepada Allah. Bukan sembang kencang macam Tok Bomoh, tapi bila
orang eksiden, buat tak tahu..
Masing masing boleh sembang akulah paling faham agama, tapi
bila mat rempit merempit, bila umat tak solat, bila umat buat maksiat, siapa
nak jumpa mereka? Siapa nak dakwah mereka? Korang tak mampu kutip mereka sebab
tak mampu dakwah mereka atau bagaimana?
Jangan jadi macam pakar perubatan lain yang hanya rawat
pesakit yang simple, sakit pelik korang serah pada allopathy, sakit simple
korang berebut nak rawat siap kena cas yang tinggi.
Ini berlaku dalam bab kafahaman agama hari ni, ada orang dia
pilih orang kaya sahaja sebagai ahli, ada yang sasarkan orang akedemik sahaja,
ada yang untuk puak dia sahaja, habis tu, si pemabuk, sipeminum arak, mamat
bertatoo, siapa nak dakwah?
Siapa nak keluar berdakwah macam Nabi dan Sahabat buat?
Siapa nak selamatkan ummat macam Nabi dan Sahabat buat?
Jadi kepada sipendebat penyokong mazhab atau wahabi, atau
siapa siapa pun anda, nak tahu sipa betul? jom kita keluar berdakwah, mulakan
dari jiran jiran korang, ajak mereka ke masjid, ajak mereka kepada Allah, yang
tak pandai solat, ajar mereka solat, sama sama imarahkan masjid, sama-sama kita
Sama sama kita jadi ‘ambulance’ kutip orang yang ‘sakit iman’
kepada hospital iman(masjid). Boleh insyaAllah?.
Malam semakin larut, kawan aku mengaku boleh sembang bab agama
berjam jam, tapi nak pergi berdakwah 15 minit jumpa mat rempit dia tak sanggup,
akhirnya kedai dah nak tutup, masing masing pulang dengan azam nak belajar jadi
Akhir kata: Jadikanlah dirimu ‘ambulance’ sebelum keretamayat
datang ambil kamu. Pesan pada diri sendiri.
Ps: Menurut hadis, Ummat ini akan terpecah kepada 73 golongan,
hanya satu golongan sahaja yang masuk syurga, siapakah mereka? Kata ustaz,
golongan yang masuk syurga, bukanlah golongan yang sibuk kafirkan 72 golongan
lain, tapi yang masuk syurga adalah golongan yang fikir risau terhadap diri
sendiri dan 72 golongan lain lantas berusaha dakwah mereka semua taat perintah
Allah, ikut cara Rasulullah. Wallhu’lam.
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zaman ni perlu lagi berdakwah jumpa macam Nabi?, sekarang zaman internet, dakwah di FB pun boleh? kenapa nak ikut cara zaman dahulu?
Ustaz azhar ulas wahabi ni sebagai sesat tapi tidak kafir.
Dakwah di fb?maka bertambahlah kewahabiannye..hahahaa
Abu Murad surveys the captive audience in the mosque in West Amman, Jordan. Several latecomers kneel for the sunset Maghrib prayer, while others perform individual Sunna prayers in the corner. A handful of old men whisper passages from the Quran in the back. “I was a Muslim,” Abu Murad begins, gazing at the crowd. “But I did not know Islam.”
For 15 minutes, Abu Murad works the crowd of 60. He talks about his past failings, of being too distracted by worldly pleasures to pray regularly. He evokes tales of the prophet Muhammad’s companions who trekked hundreds of miles and braved bandits and armies to spread the word of Islam back in the 7th century.
Now, in the age of mass transit and modern technology, the hardships are fewer, but the Islamic world has never been more in need of a spiritual revival. If the prophet’s companions sacrificed their lives to preach Islam, he argues, surely Arab Muslims can do the same thing.
Recommended:Sunni and Shiite Islam: Do you know the difference? Take our quiz.
At first, out of curiosity, or maybe politeness, the crowd at the mosque sticks around. But, now, nearly all are listening – intently.
“Religion is not just prayer: It is action! It is effort!” Abu Murad says, his voice rising. “And we Muslims have never been more in need of action.”
Then comes the moment of truth. “Who’s willing? Who’s ready?” he asks.
Dozens of hands shoot into the air. Men, young and old, in Western suits and white thobes, some leftists, others Islamists and tribal followers, all pledge themselves to one of the fastest-growing Islamic movements now sweeping the Middle East – Dawah and Tabligh.
What began as a revivalist movement for a beleaguered Muslim minority in British-ruled India has over the past century transformed into a global phenomenon that may have as many as 50 million followers. Strictly apolitical, Dawah urges members to undertake a personal spiritual journey in the manner of Muhammad and his followers.
Their task is to travel lightly and spread the word to fellow Muslims – from village to village, mosque to mosque – so that more are brought into the fold. Armed only with backpacks, sleeping bags, and a simple message, Dawah activists are going door-to-door in more than 200 countries, including the United States.
But in the past four years, no region has seen faster growth than the Arab world, where tens of thousands of jaded youth have been drawn by Dawah’s call. For this generation of Islamist-minded youth, the failure of movements such as the Muslim Brotherhood to rule in Egypt and growing disillusionment with the chaos and nihilism caused by Islamist and jihadist militias in Syria and Iraq have left a gaping void. From the heart of Cairo to the war-ravaged Syrian countryside, Islamist losses have largely been Dawah’s gains.
A popular alternative to the politics of hatred as practiced by groups such as Islamic State (IS) would be balm for a region roiled by conflict. Western capitals reeling from the recent Paris terror attacks would also welcome such a counterforce. But does the rise of Dawah, an austere, secretive movement spreading a literalistic creed that rejects modern life, really hold out that promise?
By urging followers to heed the ways of Muhammad, and by insisting on the segregation of men and women in public, Dawah echoes some of the teachings espoused by the Taliban and other ultraconservative groups.
Rather than Dawah being a check on extremism, some critics say its brand of Islam can be a gateway to the very practices that it says it wants to counter. In Britain, it has attracted followers such as Richard Reid, who tried in late 2001 to detonate a shoe bomb aboard a US-bound plane.
The group insists that its message is nonviolent and that it harbors no hatred for other faiths or peoples. Instead, it seeks to show Muslims that the injustice and oppression they face in countries like Syria are a symptom of a society that has lost its morality. They insist the solution lies not in armed resistance or political activism but in spiritual practice.
Views on Dawah are sharply divided: Is it truly a nonviolent antidote to groups like IS, or another danger for the West to worry about in the caldron of Greater Middle Eastern religious movements?
When Mohammed Ilyas Kandhlawi began his revivalist movement in northwest India in 1927, it was a response to a dominant Hindu culture that Muslims feared could sweep away centuries of Islamic norms and traditions. Mr. Kandhlawi, director of an Islamic school, wanted to take his teachings from the classroom to the common man and woman.
In Urdu, it was dubbed Tablighi Jamaat, or proselytizing group. Its name later evolved to Dawah and Tabligh in Arabic, meaning calling and proselytizing.
Dawah was rooted in the Deobandi school of Sunni Islam that emerged in northern India in the 19th century. Deobandis sought to educate Muslims and encourage their spiritual growth, while emphasizing the need to purify the faith of Hindu.
The Deobandi movement was split by the partition of India in 1947. It remains influential in Pakistan, where its seminaries trained Islamic militants who fought in Kashmir and Afghanistan, including Taliban leaders. But Dawah leaders say their movement today is not bound to Deobandis or any specific school of thought.
Kandhlawi died in 1944. But the decentralized movement he created has become a global network, propelled by its simple revivalist message and by the dedication of mostly young men drawn by its idealism. Its biggest annual event is a three-day prayer and fast held in Bangladesh that attracts as many as 5 million followers, making it one of the largest gathering of Muslims in the world after the hajj pilgrimage. [Editor's note: The relative size of this event was misstated in an earlier version.]
Every day, thousands of groups of Dawah followers go on missions, called kharooj. Like Jehovah’s Witnesses, they approach people door-to-door. They dress in the flowing white thobe worn by Muhammad and his followers, complete with white turbans. They give a two-minute speech, offer a blessing to the people they visit, and make one request: that they join them for prayer and a brief lecture at the neighborhood mosque.
In their lessons, drawn from Quranic verses and the recorded sayings of Muhammad, Dawah supporters lay out two simple aims. First, they encourage fellow Muslims to return to what they believe are the standards and morals of the prophet’s companions. Second, they recruit, asking worshipers to join Dawah and take part in kharooj.
Dawah supporters are urged to proselytize three days per month, 40 consecutive days per year, and in four month-long missions in their lifetime.
This formula means a constant influx of fresh recruits, akin to the chain marketing approach used by Tupperware and Mary Kay. But there is no physical product to sell, only a set of six principles that Dawah members must uphold, including a commitment to prayer and study, to honor fellow Muslims, and to sincerity of intention.
To set an example, Dawah followers attempt to emulate the social practices of Muhammad in all aspects of life, ranging from which foot should exit the mosque first to which direction to face when sleeping at night. They eat from communal platters on the ground and brush their teeth with twigs known for their antibacterial properties, as did the prophet’s companions.
Dawah activists often have no formal education or training; conviction of heart comes before Islamic knowledge. Any layman can learn the movement’s ways and become a sheikh. Its management style puts Dawah closer to “Occupy Wall Street” than a traditional Islamic group: It treats all members new and old as equals and puts all motions to a popular vote.
Dawah supporters don’t engage in theological debates or broadcast their teachings via YouTube. The movement has no website, no social media channels. It even forbids its followers from delivering the Friday sermon that is the soapbox of the Arab street.
It’s an approach that seems to be working.
Mohammed Mustapha stands behind the counter of his cluttered one-room minimarket on the corner of a bustling neighborhood in west Cairo. He used to be an ardent supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood, the region’s largest and best organized Islamist movement. But after the group’s sudden rise to power, capped by the election of Mohamed Morsi as president of Egypt in 2012, Mr. Mustapha soon became disillusioned. He felt the Brotherhood had failed to bring about a greater Islamization of Egyptian society. He fretted that his years of activism had taken him further from, not closer to, God.
“For years, we focused on political reform, parliamentary seats, and the presidential palace – and where did it get us?” asks Mustapha.
Then a group of Dawah followers came to his doorstep with an offer: Come to the local mosque and tell your story. He soon became an active member and joined their proselytizing missions.
“Now we are fighting the real battle for the hearts of Muslims and Egyptian Muslims,” he says, looking out from behind a stacked pyramid of Nutella, Snickers bars, and Lay’s potato chips bags.
As the most populous country in the Arab world, Egypt has long been a prize for Islamists. Dawah activists sense their time has now come. Mr. Morsi, who was ousted by the Egyptian military in 2013, sits in prison facing a death sentence for treason. The Brotherhood has once again been banned from Egypt. Other Islamist groups face pressure from the military-backed government, too.
Not Dawah. By avoiding politics and not criticizing government policies, the group has been spared the harsh crackdown. Activists say the movement is experiencing a “renaissance” in Egypt and may have doubled its membership in the past five years.
Although leaders of the movement declined to be interviewed for this story, outside analysts and Egyptian Dawah members estimate the group’s numbers at roughly 300,000. From its headquarters in Giza on the outskirts of Cairo, hundreds of Dawah followers fan out across the country to win new recruits.
Experts say the setbacks suffered by political Islamists in Egypt and other Muslim countries roiled by the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings have created fertile ground for revivalist movements like Dawah.
“People who are disenfranchised with Islam and the way it is presented in the world gravitate towards [Dawah and] Tabligh,” says Ebrahim Moosa, a professor of Islamic studies at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana who has studied the group. It offers “an Islamic authenticity and identity, something that many in the Brotherhood are suddenly finding themselves searching for.”
When Egyptians went to the polls in November 2011, Salafist and Islamist groups across the spectrum put up candidates. At the time, many speculated Dawah would, too. Instead, its leaders in Egypt refused to endorse a single party or presidential candidate. In retrospect, that decision was propitious.
Now thousands of former Brotherhood followers are turning away from the political arena. “We tried to change laws to change the society and we failed,” says Mohammed, another Dawah convert, who would only give his first name.
Like others in his social circle, he says the Brotherhood shares some blame for its dramatic downfall since its leaders had become caught up in the “worldly corruptions” that Dawah shuns. According to this argument, participating in elections for a mandate to govern is not the right path to transforming a society. What must come first is spiritual purity.
As a Brotherhood youth activist, Mohammed says he and his friends went to the barricades in Cairo in 2013 after Morsi was kicked out of power. Now he asks if they were fighting the wrong war.
“We were full of hatred; we were dwelling on worldly things such as power, which history shows is no match for love and mercy,” he says. “When we change people’s hearts, then we will finally have the Egypt we dreamed of.”
In an apartment in Amman, another Mohammed furrows his brow and drops his head into his hands. For the past 20 minutes, he has been nodding politely and sipping from an increasingly cold glass of sweet tea as he listens to three men sitting cross-legged across the room.
The visitors are activists who were mobilized quickly by Dawah leaders and sent to reason with the 20-year-old Syrian, who is struggling with a choice: Which armed jihadist group should he join?
To the Dawah activists, this is no choice at all. This is why they have rushed to the apartment at 11 o’clock at night – to extol the virtues of “loving thy fellow Muslims and non-Muslims.”
“Excuse me, sheikhs, I appreciate your time and wisdom,” Mohammed says, his eyes locked on the floor. “But we are in a state of war in Syria. Muslims are being slaughtered every day. It is my duty, and our duty, to defend the Muslim nation – to wage jihad.”
Dawah activist Abu Adam smiles, then quickly responds. “But jihad is not waged on the battlefields; it is waged in the hearts of men and women, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Dawah is jihad.”
Mohammed, not looking up, mutters a Quranic verse, a rehearsed response to justify his decision. “Surat Al Hajj of the Quran says: ‘Permission to fight is granted to believers against whom war is waged....’ ”
Abu Adam quickly completes the verse. “Because they are oppressed and God has the power to grant them victory.”
He then adds another saying of his own. “When those raise their swords against Islam, God will raise the swords of the nonbelievers against them.”
Look, he continues, not taking his eyes off Mohammed, the wars and catastrophes afflicting the Islamic world are just symptoms.
“In order to heal, you must cure the disease, not cure the symptom – it is basic science. And the disease is Muslims’ abandonment of Islam,” he tells the young man.
For some of the millions of Muslims afflicted by the grinding wars of Iraq and Syria, Yemen and Libya, the call to violent jihad can be strong and persistent. For Dawah, this is a frontal challenge to its core message that the path to salvation lies in reaffirming Islamic tenets. It’s unclear how effective this approach is proving.
Dawah activists claim that over the past year they have convinced hundreds of young Muslim men in Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia that they should not join the ranks of IS. Still, in the past month alone they have seen two radicalized youths in Jordan slip through their grasp; they are now believed to be fighting in Syria.
Such interventions turn on the persuasion of Dawah followers. They urge disaffected youth to heed the call of grass-roots social activism. The emphasis on a “higher purpose” strikes a chord with Islamists. The belief is that only when the Islamic world is united spiritually can its myriad ills ever end. For now, the movement avows, all political causes are “distractions” on the divine path to Islamic harmony. By contrast, jihadist groups like IS and Al Qaeda say military action to defend Muslim lands is a righteous path.
“Corruption, unemployment, and oppression are driving Muslim youths to run away from their lives and run towards something greater,” says Alaa Omar, a Jordanian activist. “We wish more would run to Dawah, but there are still some that run into the arms of jihadists.”
Tired and backed into a theological corner, young Mohammed finally relents. “OK, OK, I won’t go right away,” he says. “I will give it a chance.”
“Forty days kharooj?” Abu Adam asks.
“Forty days,” Mohammed says. “But if I still feel the call, I will go to Syria right away.”
Leaving the apartment, Abu Adam is confident. “Once they open their hearts and join us, they never go back,” he says.
Masyallah, Tasykil!!!
Saya sedia...
Buang ego, buang taksub, kerana ego dan taksub menghalang hidayah.
Lapangkan dada, buka fikiran.
Dgrkan hujah hujah,
buat tapisan sendiri, dgn neraca ilmu dr Al Quran, Hadis serta logik rasional akal.
Sentiasa merendah diri minta petunjuk Allah swt agar dibimbing di atas jalan Kebenaran dan dijauhkan dr kesesatan.
"Org org yg mendgrkan perkataan perkataan, mk mrk mengikuti yg terbaik antaranya, mrk itulah org org yg diberi petunjuk oleh Allah (swt), dan mrk itulah org org yg berakal." 39:18.
Golongan yg selamat adalah golongan org org yg bertaqwa ; yg benar imannya, yg baik amalannya dan baik akhlaknya ; disebut cirinya dlm Al Quran sbg yg pemurah, penyabar, pemaaf, penyantun, sentiasa zikrullah dan sentiasa bertaubat ; diringkaskan Nabi saw sbg org org yg memiliki sifat sifat tenang, tawaddu' dan sopan santun - berlemah lembut ; mengikuti Sunnah Rasullullah saw sbgmn yg dicontohkan Para Sahabat r.anhum. ; yg sudah semestinya golongan ini tidak memusuhi atau menentang jama'ah jumhur umat Islam.
Golongan yg tak selamat tu adalah yg mempunyai sifat sifatnya ahli Neraka disebutkan Nabi saw sbg yg kasar (tutur kata dan tingkah lakunya), yg degil (keras kepala pantang mengalah taksub), yg angkuh.
"Mk demi Tuhanmu ! Sungguh akan Kami kumpulkan mrk dan syaitan syaitan, kemudian Kami datangkan mrk di sekeliling Jahannam dlm keadaan berlutut.
Kemudian, sungguh akan Kami cabut dr tiap tiap golongan siapa siapa yg sgt derhaka terhdp Yg Maha Pemurah.
Kemudian, Kamilah yg lbh Mengetahui org org yg lbh patut utk mendpt siksa itu.
Dan tidak seorg pun drpd kamu kecuali akan mendtginya (Neraka itu). Adalah yg demikian itu oleh Tuhanmu, suatu kepastian yg telah ditetapkan.
Kemudian Kami selamatkan org org yg bertaqwa dan Kami biarkan (tinggalkan) org org yg zalim pdnya (Neraka itu) dlm keadaan berlutut."
"...Dan barangsiapa yg melanggar hukum hukum Allah (swt), mrk itulah org org yg zalim." 2:229.
"...Dan barangsiapa yg melanggar hukum hukum Allah (swt), mk sesungguhnya dia telah menzalimi dirinya sendiri,...". 65:1.
"...Sesungguhnya syirik itu adalah kezaliman yg paling besar." 31:13.
WaAllahu'alam !
Golongan allopathy yang ada ambulans tu (kalau pakai kiasan ni la) ialah golongan yang paling paham Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah, paling kuat pegangannya dan beramal sepenuhnya tanpa ragu dan menerima segala dugaan degan sabar. Mereka bukan hanya pada nama so called aswaja, wahabi, tabligh what so ever, tapi mereka hakikatnya memang betul-betul beramal dengan Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah. Hanya mereka yang ada semua jenis ubat termasuk juga ambulans.
Abang tabligh dah tengok belum video yang gee ra kasi link tu? Cuba tinggal dan simpan kejap bayan ngan fadail amal tu. Dengar kejap hujah dan ilmu orang lain.
Berkenaan tabligh, saya ada dua perkara nak tanya
1) Bab akidah dan tauhid. Apa pegangan golongan tabligh? Apa kitab rujukan dan ulama rujukan golongan tabligh terkini?
2) Bab siasah. Apa pegangan golongan tabligh terhadap siasah, kenegaraan, jihad dan khilafah?
Hamka, kenapa tabligh sokong umno?
Anom 11.27
Bukan tabigh sokong umno, tapi umno yang sokong tabligh, Pas juga sokong tabligh. Haji hadi dan Najib pergi markas tabligh menyokong tabligh,
pas mengaku tabligh sebagai kawan.
umno benarkan tabligh di malaysia.
jadi semua sokong tabligh, kecuali anom, kenapa?
sebab anom tak faham agam macam umno dan pas. pergi belajar lagi yer adik.
kepada pemerhati yang tanya dua soalan, kenapa perhatikan sahaja jemaah tabligh???, pergi tanya mereka, hamka ni pun bukan faham tentang jemaah tabligh?.
zaman nabi, permerhati masuk neraka, orang yang berjuang bersama nabi sahaja masuk syurga, jadi pergi lah tanya jemaah tabligh, bukan susah pun. kecuali malas dan pilih untuk memerhati.
Permerhati 12:57
Semua orang sokong tabligh kecuali anom? Cepatnya dia menuduh orang lain.
Petindak 1:02
Apa salahnya jawab kat sini kan? Jawab kat sini nanti semua pembaca dapat tahu, tak gitu? Ke soalan tu susah sangat?
Tu dia, pemerhati zaman nabi masuk neraka pulak dah, dia dah mai dah!, kita saja boh nama tu, dia serius terus boh fatwa.
sedara aswaja share firman Allah..
dan bg sy kat situ lebih hampir kepada point yg insyaAllah lebih jelas tanpa kias2 belok sana belok sini untuk gambarkan golongan yg 1 dari 73 tu kot..
"sesungguhnya syirik itu adalah kezaliman yg paling besar"..
maknanya mestila tauhid kepada Allah@tidak mensyirikkan Allah itu ialah sunnah nabi saw yg paling besar..
dan mestila golongan yg 1 dari 73 tu ialah golongan yg direzekikan Allah tauhid yg benar@tidak mensyirikkannya..
maknanya kalo seseorang mampu buat apa pun,mampu memiliki ape pun tapi syirikkan Allah dah tentu2 bukan dari golongan yg 1 tu juga..
"Mk berpecah belah mrk dlm urusan agama mrk kpd beberapa kumpulan, setiap kumpulan merasa bangga dgn kumpulan masing masing (merasa benar sendiri).
Mk biarkanlah mrk dlm kesesatannya hingga sampai waktu yg ditentukan.
Apakah mrk menyangka dgn Kami lbhkan mrk dgn harta dan anak anak,
Bahawa bermakna Kami menyegerakan mrk kpd kebaikan ? Bahkan tidak, sedang mrk tidak menyedari.
Siapakah yg sebenar benarnya benar dan selamat ?
"Sesungguhnya org org sentiasa berhati hati kerana takutkan Tuhan mrk,
Dan org org yg beriman dgn ayat ayat Tuhan mrk,
Dan org org yg tidak mensyirikkan Tuhan mrk,
Dan org org yg memberikan (menafkahkan) apa yg diberikan kpd mrk, sedang hati mrk gementar menyedari hakikat bahawa mrk akan dikembalikan kpd Tuhan mrk.
Mrk itulah org org yg bersegera kpd kebaikan dan mrklah yg akan segera mendptkannya."
23:57-61. (Antara ciri cirinya org org bertaqwa.)
“Wahai anak Adam, jika engkau mendatangi-Ku dengan dosa sepenuh bumi kemudian engkau tidak berbuat syirik pada-Ku dengan sesuatu apa pun, maka Aku akan mendatangimu dengan ampunan sepenuh bumi itu pula.” (HR. Tirmidzi
itu bukan dosa tertinggal solat tertinggal puasa dan lain2 dah tu,bahkan dosa sepenuh bumi tu ..perompak pun kalah tu..perompak pun belum sepenuh bumi lagi tu..
tapi sebab menjaga sunnah nabi saw yg paling besar..dia juga ahli golongan yg 1 tu..
camane tu?huhu
ulamak muktabar terdahulu dah selesai kan barang ni,nama kelompok tu ialah ahlisunnah waljamaah..brg ni dah lama selesai tapi keluar jugak seakan2 bunyi yg "baru"..hehe
masyaAllah..x puas2 pecah belah yg ada..huhu
barang ni dah selesai lama sangat dah..
jgn ler kita gelojoh2..x baik...
jika kita tak tahkik masa makan pun boleh tercekik tau..apa la rugi sangat kalo bawak2 bersabar dan tahkik kan dulu..
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