Aug 25, 2022

Penyamar atau Pelawak?

Wanita mengaku hafal 15 juzuk Al quran, lepas tu mengaku ada 7 teman lelaki,  lepas tu buka baju separuh bogel, penonton yang sedang minum arak pun gelak tepuk tangan,

Kenapalah nak buat lawak hina islam di negara islam? Lepas tu melintas gambar ni, dengan lawak apa saya tak tahu, tapi Wanita islam bukakan tin arak kepada pelawak? Astarfirullahalazim.

Terus saya  teringat satu wawancara dari orang Kristian luar negara,


Islam fixes a lot of a problem no matter what you are currently facing.

And I'm not a muslim, I'm an orthodox christian.

But, if I had to bet on one religion as if I would bet on the stock market for the future, it had to be on islam.

Because muslim are intolerant. And I'm not saying it disrespectfully.

Because if you tolerant of everything, then you stand for nothing.

Christian are so tolerant now, that you can go to church, these girls who get f**k on Saturday night, and go to church on Sunday morning, and get f**k on Sunday night, and its all not a big deal.

You don't believe, they have gay pastors?

I'm not educated, but if the book says don't have it. Wtf. What do you belive in?

If you tolerant of everything, you stand for nothing.

I can walk through London with the T Shirt saying Jesus is Gay and nothing would happen to me.

If I did the same thing with the Islamic prophet I would be dead before the end of the street.

That's how much they believe and respect, and I respect people whose take up for what they believe in.

I respect because they believe, and they will defend. Muslim is the only people who would defend their religion. They will defend their believes, they refuse to be mocked. They refuse to be insulted. And I respect that about them.

That is amazing thing about that,

End copy paste, so tadi Nampak berita Wanita islam tu dah kena tangkap, semoga jadikan pengajaran buat kita semua di Malaysia yang Islam adalah agama rasmi, kita ada rukun negara. Nombor satu, Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan. Maka janganlah buat lawak menghina agama islam.

Lebih baik jika mengaku hafal 15 juzuk Al quran, dan mengaku ada tujuh lelaki minat, lalu buat solat istiqarah tujuh kali.



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